At the very center of everything that we do is helping to restore people back to God the Father. There are various reasons people stray away from the Lord, but regardless, He still loves us and desires for us to be restored. Jesus never avoided the messy things, He actually surrounded Himself with it. We are no different. We are called to GO outside the walls of the church to rescue the prodigals and share this powerful truth.
One way we go outside the walls of the church to reach the lost, the lonely, and the forgotten ones is by doing a monthly homeless ministry in Pensacola, FL where we hit the streets and meet them where they are.
At the center of everything that we do is helping to restore people back to God the Father. There are various reasons people stray away from the Lord, but regardless, He still loves them and desires for them to be restored.
Another element of “going after the ONE” is doing disaster relief. We are the second responders after a storm or natural disaster.
Our approach is simple: 1) Lend a listening ear, 2) offer hope through Jesus Christ, 3) provide resources through faith-based programs and/or churches along the gulf coast who we have partnerships with, 4) walk with them through their restoration process.
Mission : As instructed by Jesus in Matthew 18:12, We will leave the 99 to go after the ONE no matter the cost in order to return the lost back home to the Father. Vision : By embracing the heart of the Good Shepherd (Jesus) described in Ezekiel 34:11-16, We will go into the enemy territory on a rescue mission to help restore people back to God and the abundant life He has for them.
If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost?