Jail Ministry

“He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.” Isaiah 61:1b

Jon and Hayley Klover with member of the police DepartmentJails across the country are full of people who are feeding an addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc.) that eventually takes priority over everything that used to be important in their lives. It is quite frequently not a “criminal” mindset that causes people to move outside the law, but the desire to feed their particular addiction, sometimes at great risk to themselves and those they love. Gradually a sense of hopelessness sets in and their addiction is their only master. Our approach is simple: 1) Lend a listening ear, 2) offer hope through Jesus Christ, 3) provide resources through faith-based programs and/or churches along the gulf coast who we have partnerships with, 4) walk with them through their restoration process. In addition to our local jail in Gulf Shores, AL, the Lord has also opened doors with several other departments/agencies within our county. Despite our failures or mistakes, every person matters to God.  

 “Most people who are not familiar with the jail setting or the criminal  justice process tend to believe that city jails are full of “bad” people who are getting what they have earned this far in life. Some of that is true, however, many people who are in jail for non-violent crimes simply need a restart with a push in the right direction…away from their addiction. Jon and Hayley Klover have been that driving force for several former inmates. Jon has already changed the lives of several people by giving them the resources, confidence, and most importantly, the hope they need to get a fresh start.

City jails across the country tend to see repeat offenders who are destroying their lives through addiction. Operation Lost Sheep is a welcome resource to not only prevent people from returning to jail, but also in making a real difference in changing the lives of those that have given up on themselves. Each successful recovery breeds the opportunity for another success, one person at a time.

I am grateful to be able to connect Jon, Hayley, and Operation Lost Sheep with those who are destroying themselves through addiction. I pray for continued success for Operation Lost Sheep.”    

Eric Herman

Municipal Jail Supervisor

Gulf Shores Police Department




Or mail gift to:
Globe International P.0. Box 3040
Attn: Jon Klover
Pensacola, FL. 32516